Add photos or videos to a shared stream
At any time, you can add more photos and videos to a shared stream. When you do, subscribers to the shared stream receive a notification that new items have been added. You can add videos up to five minutes long.
On an iOS 7 device
In the Photos app, tap Shared at the bottom of the screen, then tap Streams at the top of the screen.
Tap the shared stream you want to add to, then tap the Add button
Find photos or videos to add.
For example, tap Photos, Shared, or Albums to find photos.
Tap the photos and videos you want to add, then tap Done.
Enter an optional comment, then tap Post.
You can also add to a shared stream by first selecting photos and videos in the Photos app. After you select them, tap the Share button , then tap iCloud. Select a shared stream by tapping Stream. Enter a comment (optional), then tap Post.
On an iOS 6 device
If you’re using an iOS 6 device, you can add photos to a shared stream.
In the Photos app, tap Photo Stream.
Tap the shared stream you want to add photos to.
Tap Edit, then tap Add Photos (on iPad) or Add (on iPhone or iPod touch).
Find photos to add.
For example, tap Photos, Photo Stream, Albums, Events, or Faces to find photos to add.
Tap the photos you want to add.
Tap Done.
You can also add to your shared stream by first selecting photos in the Photos app. After selecting photos, tap the Share button , tap Photo Stream, then select an existing shared stream. Enter a comment (optional), then tap Post.
On a Mac using iPhoto or Aperture
For instructions, see one of these iPhoto Help or Aperture Help topics:
Add, remove, and edit items in a shared photo stream with iPhoto
Add, remove, and edit items in a shared photo stream with Aperture
On a Windows computer
Select Photo Stream under Favorites in a folder window of File Explorer (Windows 8) or Windows Explorer (Windows 7).
Double-click the shared stream you want to add photos or videos to.
Click “Add photos or videos” in the toolbar.
In the dialog that appears, do either of the following:
Drag photos or videos to the dialog from another window.
Click “Choose photos or videos.”
Click Done.