More resources
If you can’t find the answer to your question by browsing or searching iCloud Help, you can visit the iCloud Support website. The iCloud Support website includes additional troubleshooting help and answers to the most frequently asked questions.
You can also check the resources listed below.
iCloud system requirements
See the following Apple Support articles:
iTunes, apps, and books content everywhere
On an iOS device, see the user guide for your device in Safari bookmarks or on the Apple Support website.
On a Mac or Windows computer, open iTunes, then use the Help menu.
To show iTunes menus on your Windows computer, press the Alt key or use the Menu icon in the upper left. For more information, see iTunes: Turning on iTunes menus in Windows 8 and 7.
On your iOS device, see the user guide for your device in Safari bookmarks or on the Apple Support website.
On your Mac, open iPhoto or Aperture and use the Help menu.
See the following Apple Support articles:
iCloud: Archiving or making copies of your iCloud data
iCloud: My Photo Stream troubleshooting
iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Photo Sharing and Shared Photo Streams
Documents in the Cloud
If you have Keynote, Pages, or Numbers for iOS, open a Keynote, Pages, or Numbers document on your iOS device, tap the Tools button, then tap Help.
If you’re using a Mac app that works with Documents in the Cloud, open the app and use the Help menu.
See the following Apple Support articles:
iCloud: About using iWork for iOS and iCloud
iCloud: Archiving or making copies of your iCloud data
On your iOS device, see the user guide for your device in Safari bookmarks or on the Apple Support website.
See the following Apple Support articles:
Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Notes, and Reminders
See the following Apple Support articles:
iCloud: Archiving or making copies of your iCloud data
iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Mail
iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Contacts
iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Calendar
On your iOS device, see the user guide for your device in Safari bookmarks or on the Apple Support website.
On your Mac with OS X v10.8 or later, do any of the following:
In the Finder choose Help > Help Center.
Open Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Notes, or Reminders, then choose a help item from the Help menu.
On your Mac with OS X v10.7.5, do any of the following:
In the Finder choose Help > Help Center.
Open Address Book (for information about Contacts), iCal (for information about Calendar or Reminders), or Mail (for information about Mail or Notes), then choose a help item from the Help menu.
On a Windows computer, do any of the following:
Explore the Microsoft support websites for Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2010 and 2007.
See the Microsoft support articles about enabling and disabling add-ins, Office 2010 Click-to-Run compatibility with add-ins, and Click-to-Run: Switch to using an MSI-based Office edition.
Bookmarks, Reading List, and iCloud Tabs
On your Mac, open Safari and use the Help menu to look for topics about bookmarks, Reading List, and iCloud Tabs.
See the following Apple Support articles:
iCloud: Archiving or making copies of your iCloud data
iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Bookmarks and Reading List
iCloud Keychain
See the Apple Support article iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Keychain.
In the Finder on your Mac, use the Help menu to search for iCloud Keychain.
Find My iPhone
On your iOS device, open Find My iPhone, sign in, and tap Help in the top-left corner.
If you don’t have the Find My iPhone app on your device, download it from the App Store on your device. You can also download the app from the iTunes Store on your computer.
See the following Apple Support articles:
iCloud: Troubleshooting the Find My iPhone app
iCloud: Troubleshooting Find My iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac
Back to My Mac
In the Finder on your Mac, choose Help > Help Center, then search for Back to My Mac.
See the following Apple Support articles:
OS X: Using and troubleshooting Back to My Mac with your iCloud account