Create events
After you create a calendar, it’s easy to add events, such as meetings or appointments, to it.
Add an event to a calendar
Do one of the following:
On the calendar, double-click where you want the event to start.
In day or week view, the event’s start time is the hour or half hour closest to where you clicked. In month view, the start time is 12:00 p.m. By default the duration is set to one hour.
Click the Add button
at the bottom-right corner.
Choose New Event from the Action pop-up menu
below the sidebar.
Type a name and location for the event, then do any of the following:
To change the event’s date and time, type in the fields. You can also drag an event up or down in a day, or from one day to another, and drag its bottom edge to lengthen or shorten its duration.
To make the meeting last the entire day, select “all-day.”
To make the event a repeating event, choose an option from the “repeat” pop-up menu.
To set an alert for the event, choose an option from the “alert” pop-up menu.
To add people to the event, type their email addresses in the “invitees” field.
To add an attachment to the event, such as a meeting agenda, click Add File. If you share the calendar, participants have access to the attachment as well.
To add a note to the event, type in the “note” field.
Click OK.
Add an all-day or multiday event
Do one of the following:
To create a new event, double-click the calendar on the date you want the all-day or multiday event to start.
To change an already-existing event, double-click it.
Do either of the following:
To create an all-day event that lasts one full day, select “all-day.” You might do this, for example, to indicate you’re taking a day off.
To create a multiday event, select “all-day,” then specify start and end dates in the “from” and “to” fields.
To create a multiday event that doesn’t last all day every day, create the event for the first day, then make the event occur on multiple days by choosing options from the “repeat” and “end” pop-up menus.
Click OK.
Tip: You can also convert an existing event to an all-day event by dragging it to the all-day row at the top of the calendar (in day or week view).