Add attachments to an event
You can add attachments, such as a meeting agenda or a map, to an event. Attaching documents to an event is especially useful if the event is part of a shared calendar. All calendar participants can download the attachments directly from Calendar after they accept the event invitation.
You can attach the following types of files: iWork documents (Pages, Keynote, and Numbers), Microsoft Office documents (Office ’97 and later), Rich Text Format (RTF) documents, PDFs, images, text (.txt) files, comma-separated value (csv) files, and compressed (.zip) files such as a compressed app.
Add an attachment
Double-click an event in a calendar.
Click Add File next to “attachments,” locate the file on your computer, then click Choose.
You can also simply drag files into your event. If you use Internet Explorer, see the Apple Support article iCloud: Windows browser plug-ins, extensions, and add-ons.
Repeat the previous step to add more attachments if necessary, then click OK when you’re done.
The event appears on the calendar with a paperclip icon to indicate there’s an attachment.
View an attachment
Double-click an event with an attachment.
Click the name of the attachment to open it.
Click OK to close the event window.
If the attachment is in a file format that can’t be viewed in a browser window (for example, if it’s a Microsoft Word document), the document is downloaded to your computer when you click its name.
Delete an attachment
Double-click the event with the attachment you want to delete.
Click the Delete button
to the right of the attachment’s name.
Click OK to close the event window.
Attachments you delete from an event on a shared calendar become unavailable to all participants.