View subscribers to shared streams
You can see who’s subscribed to shared streams you own or subscribe to.
On an iOS 7 device
In the Photos app, tap Shared at the bottom of the screen, then tap Streams at the top of the screen.
Tap the shared stream whose subscriber list you want to see, then tap People.
The Activity stream doesn’t have subscribers.
On an iOS 6 device
In the Photos app, tap Photo Stream.
Do one of the following:
On iPad, tap Edit, then tap the shared stream.
On iPhone or iPod touch, tap the arrow to the right of the shared stream’s name.
On a Mac using iPhoto or Aperture
For instructions, see one of these iPhoto Help or Aperture Help topics:
On a Windows computer
Select iCloud Photos under Favourites in a folder window of File Explorer (Windows 8) or Windows Explorer (Windows 7).
Double-click the shared stream whose subscribers you want to track, then click Info or Options in the toolbar.
The Info button appears in the toolbar for a stream you subscribe to.
The Options button appears in the toolbar for a stream you own.
The Activity stream doesn’t have subscribers.