iCloud Photo Sharing overview
With iCloud Photo Sharing, you can share your favourite moments with your favourite people when you create a shared photo stream. Friends and family can post their own photos, videos, and comments to your streams and changes appear automatically on everyone’s devices. You can quickly and easily see the latest updates from all your shared streams in the Activity view on your device.
How it works
Select photos and videos on your iOS device or computer.
Select a shared stream you want to add to or create a new one.
Invite people to subscribe to your stream.
Your friends who use iCloud can view, like, and comment on your shared photos and videos from their iOS devices, Mac and Windows computers or even Apple TV. (They can read but not add comments on Apple TV.)
Friends who don’t use iCloud can view your publicly shared streams on the web.
You and subscribers to your streams can add more photos and videos. (Subscribers need an iOS device, Mac or Windows computer set up for iCloud Photo sharing.)