Comment on or “like” a photo or video in a shared stream
You can comment on or “like” any photo or video in a shared stream you own or subscribe to. If you own a shared photo stream, you receive a notification when a subscriber adds a comment to or “likes” a photo or video in your shared stream. If you are a subscriber to a shared stream, you receive notifications when another subscriber has commented on or “liked” a photo or video only if you already expressed interest in that item (by commenting on it or “liking” it).
On an iOS 7 device
In the Photos app, tap Shared at the bottom of the screen.
If you want to view a different stream, tap Streams at the top, then tap the stream you want.
Tap a photo or video, then do any of the following:
Tap Like.
Tap again to stop “liking” the image.
Tap “Add a comment,” enter one, then tap Send.
On an iOS 6 device
In the Photos app, tap Photo Stream, then tap any shared stream.
Tap the photo you want to add a comment to or “like,” then tap the Comment button
in the lower-right corner.
The button shows a plus sign or the number of comments the photo has.
Do any of the following:
Tap Like in the lower-left corner.
Tap again to stop “liking” the image.
Tap “Add a comment” in the lower-left corner, enter a comment, then tap Post.
On a Mac using iPhoto or Aperture
For instructions, see one of these iPhoto Help or Aperture Help topics:
On Apple TV
On Apple TV, you can “like” a shared photo or video and read comments.
Go to iCloud Photos.
Select an album under Photo Sharing, press the center button on your remote twice, then press the Down button.
Scroll through the album to an image you want to “like,” then press the center button on your remote.
Press the center button again to stop “liking” the image.
On a Windows computer
Select iCloud Photos under Favourites in a folder window of File Explorer (Windows 8) or Windows Explorer (Windows 7).
Select a photo or video in any shared stream, then do any of the following:
Click Like.
Click again to stop “liking” the image.
Enter a comment, then click Post.