Spell-check an email
If you’re using iCloud Mail in Safari or Firefox on a Mac, you can check an iCloud email message for spelling errors using the browser’s spell-checking feature.
If you’re using a different web browser, check the browser’s preferences or menus to see if it has its own spell checker.
Check spelling
Do any of the following:
In Safari, choose Edit > Spelling and Grammar > Check Spelling While Typing.
In Firefox, choose Firefox > Preferences, click Advanced, click General, then turn on “Check my spelling as I type.”
In Google Chrome, choose Edit > Spelling and Grammar > Check Spelling While Typing.
Compose a new message or open a message whose spelling you want to check.
Questionable spellings in the message are underlined with a red dotted line.
Control-click a misspelled word, then choose one of the following options from the menu:
To accept a suggested spelling, choose the word you want.
To add the word to the spelling dictionary, choose Learn Spelling or Add to Dictionary.
Repeat step 3 for each underlined word to correct all of the spelling errors in the email message.
Safari offers additional spell-checking options, which you can also choose from the Edit menu.