iCloud Mail keyboard shortcuts
You can use your keyboard to quickly accomplish many tasks in iCloud Mail. To complete an action using a Mac or a Windows computer, press the keys indicated below.
Action | Mac shortcut | Windows shortcut |
Archive an email message | Command–Down Arrow | Control–Down Arrow |
Bold | Command-B | Control-B |
Compose a new email message | Shift-Command-N | Control-Shift-N |
Delete a selected message or folder | Delete | Backspace |
Flag or unflag email | Shift-Command-L | Control-Shift-L |
Indent items in a list | Command–Right Bracket (]) | Control–Right Bracket (]) |
Italic | Command-I | Control-I |
Make font size bigger | Command–Equal Sign (=) | Control–Equal Sign (=) |
Make font size smaller | Command–Minus Sign (–) | Control–Minus Sign (–) |
Mark email as Junk or Not Junk | Shift-Command-J | Control-Shift-J |
Mark email as Read or Unread | Shift-Command-U | Control-Shift-U |
Open the selected message in a new window | Return | Return |
Outdent items in a list | Command–Left Bracket (]) | Control–Left Bracket (]) |
Command-P | Control-P | |
Redo changes to an email message | Shift-Command-Z | Control-Shift-Z |
Reply to sender | Shift-Command-R | Control-Shift-R |
Save as a draft | Command-S | Control-S |
Scroll through the selected messages | Space bar | Space |
Select all email messages | Command-A | Control-A |
Send email message | Shift-Command-D | Control-Shift-D |
Toggle between Reply and Reply All | Shift-Command-R | Control-Shift-R |
Underline | Command-U | Control-U |
Undo changes to an email message | Command-Z | Control-Z |